Welcome to Year 6!
We thoroughly enjoyed our WWII unit in the Autumn term. We had lots of fantastic opportunities to get fully immersed and felt like we learnt so much!
This term we are looking forward to delving into our topic of Ancient Greece! So, our class book is ....
The children practise the following spellings each week at the beginning of their English lessons and again in handwriting. The week's spellings are uploaded to Dojo each Friday evening so they are accessible from home for additional revision.
We also focus on the spelling lists for years 3/4 and 5/6, practising and applying these where we can within our written work.
Year 6 Curriculum
Year 6 long term curriculum plan
SATs Practice papers
“You cannot open a book without learning something.” So, in year 6, we still encourage independent reading for pleasure both in and out of school. The children have high expectations to meet at the end of KS2, requiring a range of reading skills including: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary. It is therefore important that we allow countless opportunities for reading experiences before they head off into KS3. "Reading is a passport to countless adventures." We aim to ignite and maintain a love of reading and so encourage the children to choose texts and authors they enjoy whether that be from our school library or books from home, our children are free to choose their own adventures. We read both independently and aloud in class and would encourage them both reading and listening at home as a family too.
Times Tables
Times tables recall is fundamental to many maths topics. Therefore, we encourage the consistent, regular practising of their tables up to 12 x 12. It's this regular revision which allows the children to be comfortable when working with more complex calculations and methods across the different units and set them up nicely before their more tricky KS3 curriculum! In school, we use TimesTableRockStars which can also be accessed from home, with their individual log ins. Or simply asking your child to recall certain tables throughout more busy times at home such as in the car or over dinner!
SATs revision
In the spring term, our children are provided with CGP revision books from which I will set pages, linked to our learning that week, as homework to be handed in the following week. This is not only helpful for consolidating their learning but is also a tool to get them used to being independent when having deadlines in high school!
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