Welcome to Year R!
Welcome to Reception
YR Curriculum Information
September 2024
Welcome to the Reception Class
We are so excited to be teaching your children this year. We offer a full and varied curriculum covering all 7 areas of learning, details of which can be found below and in the half-term forecast. We also ensure children have plenty of time to play and explore interests of their own both in the classroom and outside.
Links to our curriculum
EYFS Curriculum Long Term Plan
PE is on a Monday – Children can come into school in their PE kits. Appropriate school PE kit must be worn and labelled, we will be outside for this as much as possible, so tracksuit bottoms are a good idea in the winter.
We often have water and messy play outside, so children will need a pair of welly boots.
Reading Books
Initially, children will bring a library book home each week for you to read to them. Towards the end of this half term, children will bring home a reading book for them to read to you. There are suggested activities to go with each book on the inside cover.
We teach phonics through the Little Wandle reading scheme. Children will bring home the sounds and keywords they have learnt each week for you to practice at home. Further information on supporting your child with this at home can be found here.
The Numbots website is a great way to learn maths at home. Each child has their own login and they can play to earn rewards.
Mark Making
Please encourage children to draw, colour and write - be creative; it doesn't always have to be on paper with a writing pen.
Here is a selection of maths postcards with practical ideas for helping your child understand maths concepts.
We love to hear about your learning at home, so do stay in touch using Tapestry.
Best wishes
Miss Monk and Mrs Allen