Our Vision & Values

Our Vision Journey
At Blundeston, we have thought carefully about how to articulate our vision. We worked together with our pupils, staff and governors to create our shared vision during the summer of 2019 and this has since been adapted in the Autumn 2024 to make the vision more meaningful for our children and school community . With the help of our incumbent at the time, Father Glen, we chose a short, yet powerful, verse to root our vision in biblical teaching.
In developing our vision, we considered The Church of England Vision for Education: Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good (https://www.churchofengland.org/more/education-and-schools/vision-education).
The vision we eventually created is simple but perfectly sums up what we want to achieve for our whole school community. It is celebrated and brought to life through our beautiful hall mural.
Our vision is for our school to be "A Place to Flourish". This is based on John 10:10 when Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". This is what we want for everyone in our school community: to reach their potential, as God intended, with learning being understood as a shared responsibility. We see flourishing in its broadest sense, and not just academically, as we understand that flourishing will mean different things to different people at different times. We want our whole school community to flourish, underpinned by our Christian ethos and fundamental British values.
Our Aims
To achieve our vision, we aim to:-
- Promote and celebrate our values at every opportunity and with our whole school community
- Celebrate being a Church school and be proud of all that this means and brings, including being part of our Diocese and the wider Christian community
- Deliver a rich curriculum that nurtures, provides real-life experiences, creates links and builds on previous learning
- Nurture staff and children so that they can reach their potentials
- Provide pastoral support for our children, parents, carers and families when they need it
Our Ethos
What makes Blundeston distinctive and unique? It is hard to put into words but we think it can be summed up by the motto, “Team Blundy!" The sense of teamwork is palpable at our school. Everyone pulls together, supports each other and works together to solve problems. We have our ups and downs, but ultimately we care about everyone in our school community and want them to achieve and flourish. Visitors comment on the school’s ethos and the welcoming and caring feel of the school. We are very proud of this.
Our Values
We thought long and hard about our core values at Blundeston. We wanted our chosen values to reflect what we stand for and what underpins our work in school every day. We also wanted these values to be accessible and meaningful for everyone in our school, from our youngest children to the oldest. Our values are shown in this diagram:
The diagram shows our three values: FAMILY, RESPECT, FLOURISH. The circles branch off to show the values we teach our children. We have split these 3 values into further values. These are all embedded throughout our school and are shown through the actions of our children and adults. Our children are encouraged to develop their understanding of, and reflect upon, these values through our curriculum and collective worship. We celebrate our children flourishing in many ways, including our weekly "Blundeston Flourishers" collective worship where children are celebrated for demonstrating our values throughout the week.
The poster below demonstrates what our values look like through our behaviour and our learning.