Our vision at Blundeston is to provide "A Place to Flourish". This is based on the bible passage John 10:10 when Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. This is what we want for everyone in our school community: to reach their potential, as God intended. Our curriculum intent, implementation and impact statement below sets out our vision for our curriculum.
We see flourishing in its broadest sense, and not just academically, as we understand that flourishing will mean different things, to different people, at different times. We want our whole school community to flourish, underpinned by our Christian ethos and fundamental British values.
Our vision is threaded throughout our broad and balanced curriculum. We provide a supportive, nurturing and engaging environment where barriers are removed and high expectations are shared to help children reach their potential. We understand that learning is a shared responsibility of all of our community, and we all have our part to play if everyone is to reach life to its fullness.
Our parents have made some wonderful comments about what they love about Blundeston primary:
Children having fun.
What I love is my child comes home every day with new information, facts, retelling lessons whilst having a great time! Happy parents!
Reading with parents. It feels like one big family.
Friendly, social school. He was very nervous at the beginning and has grown so much. The nurture is excellent.
The teachers and staff are lovely. My child is doing well and feels safe.
Our intent sets out our vision for our curriculum:
The implementation is how we teach our curriculum, and what we expect to see across lessons:
The impact explains how we assess and monitor the curriculum and how this impacts our pupils.
For more information on our curriculum, please see your child's teacher(s), or your child's year group class page (under the "Learning > Class Pages" section), or see Tapestry and Class Dojo.