Religious Education
At Blundeston, we are proud of our RE curriculum. We follow St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich "Emmanuel" units of work.
We have chosen these because they support the enquiry model approach to our curriculum and give our children rich opportunities to deepen their understanding of Christianity as they progress through the school.
These units each start with a key theological question and then follow an enquiry-based approach as the children engage, enquire, explore, evaluate and express their learning through their class scrapbook. These reflective learning journeys capture the children's learning beautifully and are a wonderful platform for the next part of their learning.
Our curriculum is organised to ensure that at least half of the units are based on Christianity, with the rest made up of learning about, and from, other world religions. Our intent demonstrates our vision for RE:
Our implementation statement below sets out what we expect across RE lessons:
The impact of RE:
We want our children to use what they learn in RE to help them make sense of the world, to develop and reflect upon their own beliefs, morals and values, allowing them to find their place in the world and flourish. We want them to have the skills to become tolerant, thoughtful and respectful members of society.
Parents may ask for their child to be totally or partially withdrawn from Religious Education. For further information, please refer to the RE policy by clicking this link.