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English is at the heart of our curriculum at Blundeston.  We understand that being good readers and writers has a huge positive impact on the achievements across the curriculum, and beyond their years at primary school. 


We want all children to become lifelong readers and see the importance of pleasure for reading. We want them to go on adventures through a story and have that feeling of not being able to put down a good book. We also want them to see the importance of reading for information and so our curriculum always incorporates reading into lessons. Our intent, implementation and impact statements demonstrate how we teach reading at Blundeston, as well as try to instil a love of reading. 


Reading Implementation: We use Little Wandle for EYFS and KS1, and whole class reading from Year 2 onwards. Reading Impact: 


At Blundeston, we want to enthuse our children to write for a range of audiences and purposes. We choose exciting and challenging texts to engage our children in writing lessons, and where appropriate, will make links across the curriculum - see class long terms plans for more information.