Nurture & Pastoral Support
Our Rainbow Room
At Blundeston, we recognise that sometimes life can be hard for our families and things can go wrong. We want to support our children and families as much as we can, either short-term when a crisis happens, or for a longer period of time, so that they can continue to flourish.
The Rainbow Room is our nurture space which can be used for 1:1 sessions with children, outside support meeting space or for safeguard conversations. It is underpinned by the six principles of nurture:-
1. Children's learning is understood developmentally
2. The classroom offers a safe base
3. Nurture is important for the development of self-esteem
4. Language is understood as a vital means of communication
5. All behaviour is communication
6. Transitions are significant in the lives of children
In the Rainbow Room, there are clear boundaries, routines, rewards and expectations, with respectful relationships modelled by the adults in the room.
We also offers a drop-in and support service for children and parents. Staff offer a range of services, including listening appointments, advice and guidance with parenting-related issues, as well as signposting and referrals for additional support, including mental health.
Mental Health Team
We have close links with our local Mental Health Team. The team regularly come into school to run workshops for our parents and carers. These are a great resource for parents/carers and we encourage you to attend when possible. The areas covered are issues with sleep, anxieties, challenging behaviours and neurodiversity. Below are the notes from these sessions that you may find helpful: