PE Premium
Our children love PE, and we pride ourselves on delivering fun, engaging and stimulating lessons for all children. They learn the importance of keeping active, and how this impacts their physical and mental development, stamina and creative movement. Through our PE and sport provision, we hope that our children will gain the physical literacy in order to be life-long participants and lead an active lifestyle in the future. We provide a range of sporting opportunities for our children to experience and ensure all of our key stage 2 children take part in a competition with other schools.
Our Intent
Our Implementation
Our Impact
Our year 6 girls, reached the county finals for both cricket and futsal! They demonstrated all of our Blundeston School values including compassion, courage and responsibility.
Able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently using a range of strokes effectively: 73%
Able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 80%
Able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: 90%
Our Playground

Our brilliant all-weather pitch was funded by PE and Sport Premium.