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Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 Curriculum Information


January 2025

Welcome back to Spring term. We have lots of fun learning planned. The termly forecast below gives you more detail about the learning which will take place within our topic which this term is based around Ancient Egypt, which the children are already fascinated by! 

Spring Overview

A few practical matters for you to be aware of.

PE is on a Friday. Children can come in to school in their PE kits. Appropriate school PE kit must be worn and labelled



The children are constantly reading throughout our curriculum and in our daily whole class reading sessions. However, to really help them progress and to support their enjoyment of reading, they should be reading at home most nights.  The children have chosen a book from our school library although please feel free to choose books from home or the local library.  We ask that you try and read with your child as much as possible. We know it is hard to fit everything in, but reading offers valuable models for sentence structure, fuels their imagination, improves their knowledge of the world and also offers them some much needed calm time. We recommended that despite their fluency, children should read with an adult regularly to check their understanding of the text. Please make a small note or initial in the child's yellow homework book, once you have read with your child. 

Homework sheets

Children have been given a new yellow homework book. Each Friday, the children will have a new  homework sheet in their yellow book. Please ensure your child completes this each week - dojo's will be given for those taking responsibility to do this. It should be work that builds on learning and so they should not need too much help. However, please do write a little note if they find it very tricky. Please spend a maximum of 20 mins on this. If it is taking longer, please do stop and make a note on the worksheet. 

Times tables are always vital to improve the children's progress in maths, so please find 5 minutes for your child to play on TTRS. Hit the button is also a good game to use:


Spellings will be stuck in the yellow homework books each Friday. We will be learning these in class, including using them to support our handwriting practise. There will also be a test each Friday - it is vital that your child takes time to look at the spellings and learn them so they become embedded into their work. Be creative with learning – writing out in chalk, repeating in the car, using pens in the baths – any way to engage them. Always check your child understands the meaning of their spellings as this will help to broaden their vocabulary.

So far, we have had a super start to the year and we are excited for the learning planned. We want all the children to be happy in school, so if you have any worries or concerns, please contact us on dojo.

Current class reading book:

The Scarab's Secret  The Story of Tutankhamun: Patricia Cleveland-Peck : Cleveland-Peck,  Patricia, Greenberg, Isabel: Books

Year 3 Curriculum

Year 3 Curriculum Long Term Plan

Year 3 Extra Information

Year 1 and 2 Spellings

Year 3 and 4 Spellings

Year 5 and 6 Spellings

Reading at home questions booklet

Learning about fractions guide

Useful Links

Times Table Rock Stars

Maths Chase
A fun website for learning times tables

Website full of engaging activities to encourage your child to become a competent mathematical thinker at any age

Oxford Owl
Entirely free website with lots of fun games and activities for you and your child - there is also a useful 'At School' section explaining the techniques used to teach reading within school

Purple Mash
Where to find Purple Mash resources - please ask if you require your login details