At Blundeston, we do not mind if children wear uniform items that have the school logo on them, or plain items that don't.
Uniform (branded with the school logo) can be purchased from Screens in Lowestoft: https://screensschoolwear.co.uk/product-category/primary-schools/primary-schools-blundeston-primary/
You can buy items that don’t have the school logo on from supermarkets and other clothing stores. Screens also run a pre-loved uniform section where parents/carers can sell or exchange old uniform via a page on their website: https://screensschoolwear.co.uk/listing-category/blundeston-primary/
With all uniform, please be mindful that some will contain chemicals that make them non-iron or stain resistant etc.
Our uniform is navy or grey trousers/shorts/skirt/dress (or a blue/white check gingham dress), a pale blue or white t-shirt or shirt and a navy cardigan/jumper/sweatshirt. Year 6 children are now able to wear a tie. This is optional, with the school providing the ties this year.
Our PE kit is a plain white t-shirt (with no logos or slogans), navy shorts/joggers and trainers or plimsolls. We now have a navy PE top and a navy hoody, both with the school logo, available to buy from Screens. We will move to using a navy top and navy hoody or jumper as our PE kit from September 2024.
Screens also sell items such as book bags, PE kit bags, rucksacks, hats, coats, water bottles etc. These are optional and do not have to be purchased.
We ask that the children wear sensible shoes as they will be involved in lots of physical play outdoors.
Please continue to check that all uniform and PE kit is labelled.