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Our current PAN (Pupil Admission Number) for Reception and Key Stage 1 is 30. This is the maximum number of children the school can admit to these year groups. If one of these year groups is already full, Suffolk County Council Admissions team deal with any appeals for places.

Parents of Year 6 children need to apply for a secondary school place by 31st October 2024.  Parents of children who will be starting school in Reception in September 2025 need to apply for a primary school place by 15th January 2025.  Please telephone the school office on 01502 730488 if you require further information.

The website address for Suffolk school admissions is Their email address is and their telephone number is 0345 600 0981.  Parents and carers should contact Suffolk County Council for full details of our schools' arrangements for admissions and admission appeals.

Once you have been allocated a place at our school, we will ask you to fill out an admission form so we can collect the information we need from you including contact details, medical details and photo permissions. Please contact the school office once you have your child’s place and we will email you a link to the form.

Admission arrangements for disabled pupils

For all children joining our school, we aim to make the transition process as straightforward and positive as possible. For children with a special educational need or disability, we understand that we may need to make adjustments to our admission arrangements.

In these instances, we:

  • aim to ensure that such transitions are handled carefully and sensitively;
  • understand that such transition may need to take place over a longer period of time; 
  • will liaise closely with feeder schools or early years providers to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information about the child - this will usually involve liaison between SENDCos;
  • will then work closely with these schools or providers to plan the transition activities.  This may involve additional visits to the school, meetings between key members of staff to discuss provision, strategies, EHCPs and/or a risk assessment of the school environment;
  • will start to form positive relationships with parents as soon as possible;
  • will aim to secure any relevant additional funding or request it is passed on from the previous school or provider;
  • will request that key documentation, such as reports from other professionals, EHCPs and Learning Journeys, are passed on to us in a timely manner;
  • will provide appropriate provision to meet the needs of the child once they join our school, allowing for a settling in period and time for us to undertake our own assessments, as we get to know the child;
  • will review the transition process once it has happened;
  • will monitor the progress of the child and the support being provided at regular intervals.